ARTiculations—Earl Selkirk Gallery

FILL’ER UP Sketchbook Challenge 2017


This weekend, I ended up going to ARTiculations to see the other artists’ sketchbook entries for the FILL’ER UP Sketchbook Challenge. I unfortunately couldn’t go to the private reception on Thursday of last week, due to work but I was thankful I managed to have time to stop by before the exhibition came to an end.

Today was the last day and when I visited yesterday, I decided to sign out my sketchbook with me. I saw some amazing work from my fellow artists and I was glad to be part of this challenge. The goal was to make art everyday and to try filling in your sketchbook until you reached the end. You didn’t have to finish the whole book though, you had an option to show just certain pages or the full book itself. I decided to make my sketchbook about myself, my favourite things, books, characters and things I didn’t​ like. If you wanted to see the sketches I made for this challenge, you can click below.

I was late with finishing the challenge, but I managed to do it and finished the book. This was my first time taking part in the challenge and I’m glad I did it! The cool thing about the show was the fact that people commented on your work by writing on sticky notes and leaving them in your Sketchbook.

This challenge occurs annually in the month of April, so if you didn’t get a chance to join this year best mark your calendars for next year. For now, look forward to the Inktober challenge this October hosted by Jake Parker!

After checking out the gallery and signing out my sketchbook, I decided to purchase a few things since I didn’t get to the last time I was there.


I bought the Schizzi sketching sketchbook for graphite and charcoal, a colouring postcard of some areas in Toronto, a number 2 Taklon brush, and a black monotwin marker. Preparation and additional materials for Inktober, the postcards were for my sister. This store/gallery had some pretty cool materials, especially the notebooks and calligraphy pens and nibs. I can’t wait to see what other events they have coming up.

Hope you had a chance to check it out, if so were you one of the artists or someone who just visited? Leave a comment below!

Sketchbook Challenge 2017: Sketch 05

We Can. We Will. We Are.

This is for all the women who have been, continue to and are fighting the good fight. Not only for themselves, but for their fellow sisters.

A lot of people still have the wrong idea of what feminism is all about and why it is still an on going issue. Both women and men tend to have a misconception about its definition. Here’s the big thing that you need to know, it’s for women’s rights. This is about getting equal rights for both genders, pay wise, status wise, job wise, inheritance wise and even the right to protect our own body.

We need to meet a line where we all agree that rape, sexual harassment and domestic violence is not something that women should consent to. Nor should these be blamed on them. We never said that these could never happen to men, because it could. The views are often different though, women are often put down or blamed for being who we are. Men are often excused for their actions while women always have to defend themselves.

The action and outcome goes both ways and it is for everyone to hear and pay more attention to. Women attack women as well, and when women bully one another it makes things worse. There’s enough crap in the world, why do we have to fight one another? We should focus on helping and supporting one another and fight together.

In the past Rosie the Riveter once said “We can do it.” In the present We Will continue and in the future We Are doing it, together, to fight the good fight. Be it if you’re a woman, lesbian, transgender or bisexusal. We stand as sisters, we are sisters and we are women.

Sketchbook Challenge 2017: Sketch 03

Delicacy of a Flower


My third sketch is a ballerina, it is one of the things I have always wanted and regretted as a child. As a child, I was a ballerina. One of the performances I often remember is when I played the flower and my sister was the bird who saved us from the witch who destroyed nature. I do not recall much of the story, but I do recall missing my cue of “dying” due to the fact that I got caught up watching the scene of the birds fighting the bad guys. The audience were laughing and that was when I realized I was the only flower left alive😂.

Unfortunately my mother decided to cut the program due to money and my sister was just not fond of it. I never had the time, money or courage to try and go back when I grew up. I now just wish of what could have been, but I truly adore ballet and I wish to see a performance someday. I really want to see Swan Lake and the Nutcracker!

PS. This post is also dedicated to one of my favourite authors who’s birthday was today, Sarah J. Maas! I love her series, both Throne of Glass and A Court of Thorns and Roses. Why a ballerina you ask? Sarah loves ballet, not just that, there’s a scene in Queen of Shadows that I truly adored. It was chapter 16, where Aelin and the dancing troupes of Madam Florine staged their performance to rescue Aedion. This scene was inspired by a ballet performance that Sarah loved. There was also another scene that was inspired by a ballet performance, the glass castle shattering with both Dorian and Aelin. Sarah’s love for Cinderella (where Celaena came to be) and Swan Lake (when Aelin was born). These characters have a special place in my heart, so does this whole series and the writer who created it all. I wish you all the magic, food and loads of love Sarah. May you recuperate with speed. We miss you and love you 💕

Sketchbook Challenge 2017: Sketch 02

A Rage Gamer Who Does Not Quit


For my second sketchbook challenge sketch, I drew one of the things I love to do; gaming. My family and friends often say that I have rage problems when it comes to gaming, be it an RPG game, FPS or a game of Worms. I am quite a competitive person, so I tend to get a bit… verbal as I play.

It was tough to get the angle right for this one, I actually started this the night before but I was too tired and frustrated to continue on, hence the late post. I think my posts will most likely be every other day, but I will make up for the days I missed at the end.

Any of you registered to the FILL’ER UP sketchbook challenge? If so, leave a comment below on your progress. If not, leave a comment on what my next sketch should be for a suggestion 🙂

FILL’ER UP Sketchbook Challenge 2017

Make Art Everyday!

This year, I discovered a new sketchbook challenge for artists. This challenge takes place annually around March and the goal is to make art everyday. So for the whole month of March you sketch whatever you like using whatever medium you wish to fill up either a new sketchbook or an unfinished one.

This is a way to help encourage artists to keep making, creating and spread art! It was a perfect time for me, since I finished the last page of my old sketchbook the weekend that passed. With the new sketchbook, I decided to draw things that I love to do or things that relate to me.

I know I started late, (even though the goal was to start earlier or the first of March) but the thing about me folks is that I’m indecisive. I could not figure out what to sketch for the whole month until today. So for my first sketch, it describes me while celebrating today’s event:


A sketch of a book lover for National Book Day.

Simple sketch that shows my love for books, tea and light sweaters. I will draw extra for missing Day 1, I actually drew this one on the second page of my sketchbook. I’ll draw the first page probably last, just to keep pace with the monthly challenge.

Hope my fellow artists are registered for this event. Not only do you get to practice with sketching daily but it also helps us discover other artists. This would be the second annual art challenge that I take part in, if you follow with my blog you can see that I have participated to two Inktober challenges, which takes place every October. The cool thing about this challenge is the end, where those who registered will have their art displayed for the exhibition for the month of April! How cool is that?!

This gathers artists to see one another’s work and to have your own sketchbook displayed for people to see. I think it’s a great experience and an awesome opportunity! If any of you take part in this event, please leave a comment below and let me know if this is your first time or not. If you want to know more you can ask me a question or you can visit ARTiculations for more information.